
AIMRO’s Covid-19 update

Written by Admin | Apr 29, 2020 11:00:00 PM

W5 is a member of the Association of Irish Market Research Organisations ( This means that we also subscribe to the research code of ESOMAR, MRS, EFAMRO, the Marketing Society and the Marketing Institute. Aimro’s release related to Covid-19 can be read below.

In this extraordinary time, we need social, opinion and market research and data analytics to help us understand and chart the impact that this disruption is having on our societies. We also need research to help decision makers and leaders to determine the best way forward.

Now more than ever, decision-makers should take decisions based on solid, unbiased and fact-based evidence. Market research is a critical source of evidence and guidance; so essential research and analyses should be maintained, encouraged and intensified by governments, businesses and charities alike, at this critical point. It is important to stress that research is about getting at the truth.

As a community, the research profession stands ready to support decision makers: our members have been working to migrate ongoing research projects that have been using face-to-face methodologies for focus groups and surveys into the online and telephone world, thereby limiting physical proximity and adhere to social distancing. Our members offer the full suite of services.

Survey response rates have increased significantly which means now is a great time to gauge consumer sentiment for your brand and sector. Some industries and sectors will see big changes in their customer behaviours, and it is vital to understand and measure them in order to plan for ‘when the tide turns’ and things return to ‘normal’.

The Association of Irish Market Research Organisations represents the research industry to relevant authorities and exists to advance and safeguard the interests of the industry and to produce and maintain high professional standards. We are all members of European Society of Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR).

All our members stand ready to support businesses and organisations in Ireland navigating their way through the current disruption and to find new opportunities for success in the future.